Monday, July 21, 2014

A Lot Can Happen In 1 Day

I am always amazed at what each day brings on my mission! Even when we're dropped, God allows us to find and teach more people! This week another family dropped us. But I'm grateful that we were still able to increase their faith in Jesus Christ, even if they didn't accept the full gospel right now. I've realized more and more that being baptized allows people to receive more blessings in life, and it is that gateway to eternal life, but ENDURING is the most important part of it. Baptism means nothing without understanding and willingness. People who are truly seeking have a desire to accept and live the gospel. So when we DO find people who are truly seeking we are able to recognize that within the first lesson! GOD lets us be the missionaries to teach people who ARE ready to be baptized, it's the greatest joy! AND after being dropped by two families, we found another family!!! They want to be baptized on August 3rd. Sister Wilson and I saw them on Tuesday, and then Wilson and Brunner saw them Friday on exchanges. They read the Restoration pamphlet and they said they already know it's true. Laquala said, "My new years resolution this year was the find the right church and be baptized." THEN Brunner felt inspired to teach them about the Word of Wisdom and as Joel had a cup of coffee in his hand, he sets the cup down and says, "It must be done." What FAITH these people have!!! Things like this don't just happen! The spirit is a miracle worker! When Wilson and Brunner saw Joel and Laquala and their kids I got to spend the day with Sister Drummond in Booneville! We cleaned the baptismal font to be ready for their investigators baptism on Saturday. Then that night Sister Wilson and I got half price shakes after 8:00 at Sonic with Ashley and her friend. Her friend was distracted and we hardly teached ... oh wow, I mean TAUGHT anything, but then as we are about to leave we talk to an employee and invite her to meet up with us and then her face lit up and she said she and her sister and mom have been looking for a church!! .. And then on exchanges with Sister Moulton we met a man who believes Christ went to India after he was born, and stayed there for 12 years. Source? Undocumented. .. A lot can happen in 1 day.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sometimes the Spirit Tells You to Get Pizza

I have been doing a lot of self reflection this last week, and have made some 6 month goals because my year mark is coming up!! I want to be better. There are still so many things I can improve on that I'll be writing about to mom and dad. But for now ... here's a story: Last week we had hungry sisters staying at our apartment to help with tornado clean up last Saturday. What better place than Little Caesars? It's quick, cheap, and pretty much everyone likes pizza. There we met Cleveland and his son. Cleveland talked with us about how his family is looking for a church. He said they have heard of Mormon, and have met some Elders, but didn't say much else other than that. After grabbing our pizza, we got his information and asked if we could come next week to teach his family. He very kindly agreed, and gave us his address and number. He is Black and his wife Hispanic, and they have 3 kids. We met Maria and the kids a few days later when Cleveland was working. We did "how to begin teaching" and told them how the gospel could bless their family for eternity. She began to cry. We asked her how she felt. Clenching her fist, she put it to her heart and said, "I cannot explain, I just feel good, I feel happy inside." At that moment I knew this family was prepared and ready to hear the gospel. Since then, I've had the same feeling I did when Sister Butterfield and I began teaching Nathan and Jessica. I just can't wait to see them!! I want to see them and teach them everyday! Saturday at exactly 12:00 we knock on the front door and hear a yell from the back. Cleveland shows us to the back door and as we walk inside, Maria and their three kids were all sitting around at the kitchen table, quiet, and ready to listen. Sister Wilson and I just looked to each other and smiled! As we taught the restoration the spirit was consistent the whole lesson. We rarely experience that, where the spirit is consistent from the time we walk in to the time we leave. Cleveland especially was excited to read the Book of Mormon and come to church the next day, but they weren't able to come because of a family get together that doesn't happen often. Sister Wilson said something so crucial as we drove to our next appointment. She said other families we have taught who are so solid are that way because we saw them as often as we could, we prayed for them everyday, we got members involved right from the beginning, and we loved them. "... all your heart, might, mind, and strength applies to devoting everything to your investigators. I love being a missionary! There are times I feel inadequate, or unsure of my abilities, but it's those times I choose to depend on the Lord that I feel successful.


Thank y'all for your prayers.

Sister Reyne 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Tupelo Tornado

Here are some pictures from this week ... I've never been so exhausted in my entire life.

Picture Update!


Sorry if this email is scattered .. I'm a space head anyway, so it's probably expected, but there's just SO much to write about. I'm just going for it!! .. 
Words cannot express how much my testimony of God and Jesus Christ has grown. I can say that I KNOW Christ lives. I KNOW God is in charge and so aware of the details in our life. Something that struck me this past week (being Easter) is when Christ had been resurrected and appeared to Mary, in John 20:17 "Jesus said unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father ..." Christ had to have been in the spirit world. I knew this according to the Book of Mormon that He was there for 3 days instructing others to teach, but in the BIBLE (I'm in the South) it says He had not ascended to the Father! PROOF of the spirit world! People just believe in Heaven and Hell after death!! I just WISH I could convey in words how incredible God's plan is!!! His purpose is all for us! Commandments aren't to stop us from "living life" they are a test of obedience, they are for our safety so we can be led to a better life with the companionship of the spirit. If we keep commandments we can become more like Him, and be prepared to live in His presence.  ... Gosh I could go on and on! 

Sister Wilson is one of my favorite companions! A lot of my companions are my favorite, just in different ways! I just love Sister Wilson so much! I have never learned so much from another companion. My whole outlook of my mission has changed because of her. She has changed my mission! If you have a vision, if you have a goal, and if you pray about it, GOD MAKES IT HAPPEN! If you are sincere and willing to act on your prayer, He WILL answer! I have seen so many miracles this transfer. I wish everyone could experience the things I have experienced these last few weeks! ... This last week has been crazy busy, but it's a blessing! I LOVE being a Sister Training Leader!! I have never been so stressed in my life, but I have never been so happy! 

This last Friday we went to the Birmingham Temple with Lewis and Laura!! And Jessica and Nathan went to Memphis! Then we had some sisters in our zone stay Saturday night and Sunday because of Stake Conference, Interviews with President, and a zone activity today. Saturday night was the adult session of Stake Conference where multiple wards come together twice a year. Elder Teh of the Quorum of the Seventy was there. He said, "The Lord is hastening His work no matter what!" He doesn't really need us to hasten it. It's not us hastening it. He just allows us to be a part of it, because of the joy and blessings it brings to our life. ... But before I get repetitive. Toward the end of the meeting Elder Teh asked Matt who was recently baptized to share his conversion story. I am convinced that man will be a patriarch one day. His life has changed so much because of the gospel. (Even Ashley who's 18 who was baptized a few weeks ago is telling all her friends that she has never experienced happiness like this being in the church, and she wants to go on a mission!) Matt had mentioned Sister Wilsons name (because she is the one who began teaching him and was there through the whole process up to his baptism) so after his testimony, Elder Teh said, "Sister Wilson, will you bring your companion up with you" We went up and then he asked Sister Wilson to share how she was feeling. Then he asked us both different questions like, what is your purpose in the ward as a missionary? Do you go to ward council? etc. We both answered the different questions. Then he had all the missionaries stand up ... 48 in our stake!!!! Then he had them all sit down and say, well I'm going to have Sister Wilson and Reyne represent you all this evening. It was a cool experience. And then I saw people from Haleyville!!!! 

Yesterday we did a short exchange with some of our sisters and so me and Sister Platt felt like we should see Christinne a recent convert. We went over and her dad who isn't a member was there! He broke down and said how he wants to change his life around. We testified of the healing power of the Atonement (which we had just been talking about in the car on the way over!) and he was like yearning to get a Book of Mormon! Then on our way to a potential investigator we saw Zephania who we haven't been able to get in contact with for a month! He walked by us at the PERFECT time! It was so crazy! He was baptized a few months ago but his mom is not supportive and isn't allowing him to come to church. Because he's only 16 we can't really do anything about it. It was a miracle that he even got baptized! ... Well this letter is WAY too long!!! 

I couldn't do this without the support of friends and family, but most importantly without my knowledge of God and Christ. Sister Wilson and I have been talking about our testimonies alot. Our testimony of God and Jesus Christ has become less of faith and more of a knowledge. 

I love y'all! For real. 

Sister Reyne